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Chicago Postnuptial Agreement Attorney

Our postnuptial agreement attorney at MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle are experienced in not only creating reliable pre- and postnuptial agreements, but we also understand the needs and desires of small business owners, as well as the estate planning concerns of someone in a second marriage or who has children from a previous relationship. Let us use our sophisticated understanding of Illinois law to help you create a postnuptial agreement that is fair to both spouses while keeping your interests protected.

Postnuptial agreements, like prenuptial agreements, provide couples with an opportunity to protect their separate assets through a legally-binding agreement. Postnuptial agreements can simplify a divorce, making the process far less expensive or time consuming. These agreements can assure that you, and your children from a previous relationship, will not suffer undue financial harm in the event your marriage ends.

Protect a small business with a postnuptial agreement

Postnuptial agreements can be especially helpful in keeping a small business intact and under your control in the event of a divorce. If you create a business during your marriage, that business could be considered marital property in the event of a divorce. This could require you either to sell your business and divide the profits with your spouse, or attempt to run the business as divorced co-owners. A postnuptial agreement can prevent such disastrous outcomes.

At the same time, postnuptial agreements can also be a wise move for the non-entrepreneurial spouse. If your spouse starts a business that ultimately fails, having a postnuptial agreement in place could protect you from becoming liable for the debts of your spouse’s business.

Postnuptial agreements can offer certainty to both spouses

When you and your spouse encounter bumps along the road in your marriage, both of you may experience anxiety at the prospect of a divorce. Some spouses fear becoming responsible for debts their spouse accrued on their own during the marriage; others are concerned that their years spent away from the workforce to focus on raising children will make it difficult to earn a living after a divorce. A postnuptial agreement can resolve these concerns, allowing you to focus on attempting to repair your marriage.

For help creating a reliable and thorough Illinois postnuptial agreement, contact the Chicagoland family law attorneys at MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle for a consultation, in Hoffman Estates at 847-310-0025, and in Des Plaines at 847-298-5030.

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