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Papers that read lawsuit

Illinois Company Facing Lawsuit over Noncompete Agreements

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

The State Attorney General of Illinois has filed a lawsuit against an Illinois company that requires its customer service employees to sign a noncompete agreement. The lawsuit filed by State Attorney General Lisa Madigan states that the agreements are illegal when imposed on low-wage workers. Companies who make regular use of noncompete agreements are… Read More »

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Stop sexual assault sign

Department of Education Announces Title IX Changes

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

The US Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, has announced that she is rescinding parts of the Obama administration’s Title IX guidance on how schools receiving federal funds should respond to accusations of sexual misconduct. Among other changes, DeVos announced changes to the standard of evidence used in sexual assault claims. Read on to learn… Read More »

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Modification of a Written Contract

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

The typical breach of contract case arises when one party fails to fulfill its duties under a written contract and as a result, becomes liable to the other party for damages.  The most important piece of evidence in these cases is usually the written contract.  The court will view the contract, determine the obligations… Read More »

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Judge Rules that Obama Administration Changes to Overtime Laws Impermissible

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

A federal judge in Texas has ruled that the Obama administration exceeded its authority in changing the federal rule on which employees may be considered exempt or non-exempt. The rule, which had been on hold since November of 2016, is now widely considered dead. The ruling came in a lawsuit brought by several states… Read More »

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bulls eye that reads negligenence

What You Should Know about Negligent Hiring and Supervision Claims

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

As an employer, you bear a certain amount of responsibility for the acts of your employees while they’re on the job. You hire and maintain a group of employees whom you hope will perform their jobs competently and safely, especially if they’re in a position requiring work with the public, young children, or other… Read More »

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A stop sign that reads age discrimination

EEOC Settles Age Discrimination Lawsuit against City Colleges of Chicago

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

After filing a lawsuit against the City Colleges of Chicago for a claim of age discrimination, the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has agreed to settle its suit for $60,000. The suit was based on a hiring decision made in Chicago’s Harold Washington College. Nancy Sullivan, then 66 years old, had worked in… Read More »

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Gavel and sign that reads Employment Law

New Bill Would Ban Inquiries into Salary History by Illinois Employers

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

The Illinois state legislature has recently passed a bill that would prevent employers in Illinois from inquiring about a job applicant’s salary history. The bill is now awaiting Gov. Bruce Rauner’s signature in order to become law. Under the new amendments to the Illinois Equal Pay Act, employers cannot inquire about an applicant’s wage… Read More »

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What to Know when You’re Investing in Real Estate for the First Time

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

Perhaps you’ve always had the goal in mind of investing in property, or you’ve been met with an opportunity to invest. Regardless of the circumstances, it’s important to go into a purchase of an investment property armed with as much information as possible. Below, learn some important considerations before purchasing an investment property, and… Read More »

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New Laws Affecting Employers and Employees in Effect in 2017

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

In January of 2017, several laws entered into effect in Illinois that make substantial changes to the laws governing employment in the state. Read on to learn about some of the most significant changes to Illinois employment laws, and make sure your workplace policies, employee handbooks, manuals, and labor law posters are up to… Read More »

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Choosing the Right Trustee

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

Trusts are an excellent estate planning and financial management tool. They can be a great way to make your money go further, providing additional resources to support the people and causes most important to you while reducing your tax burden. Part of selecting the right form of trust for you is to choose the… Read More »

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