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Illinois enacts new law regarding employee expenses

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

The Illinois Legislature recently amended the Illinois Wage Payment and Collection Act, requiring Illinois employers to reimburse employees for many employment-related expenses. Read on to learn about the new law requiring employers to reimburse employee expenses. The new law, which is effective on January 1, 2019, requires an employer to reimburse an employee for… Read More »

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Illinois State Police Settles Age Discrimination Lawsuit

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

The Illinois State Police recently lost an attempt to receive a new trial after several former SWAT team members succeeded in a claim of age discrimination against their former employer. Read more about the case where older SWAT members face discrimination, and contact a knowledgeable and experienced Chicago employment attorney with any questions. Older… Read More »

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Are There Warning Signs of a Will Contest?

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

When you spend time and effort drafting an estate plan, you want to trust that it will be carried out as written. A long and drawn-out legal contest of your will is the last thing you want for your heirs and loved ones after you pass. There is no way to know with certainty… Read More »

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Addressing Insurance in Your Commercial Lease

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

If you’re planning on leasing a new space for your small business, you know that you’ll need to carefully review a potential new lease. Most commercial tenants and landlords are focused on such terms as the amount in rent that the tenant will pay, what responsibilities either the tenant or landlord will have for… Read More »

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Home and money bag put on the scales with balance put on the wood in the public park. Investing in a home concept

Purchasing a HUD Home as an Investor

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

Homes sold by the federal office of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) can be an excellent opportunity for an investor to buy a home for under market value, but the bidding process is unlike that involved in purchasing most residential real estate. Learn more about the process of investing in real estate through a… Read More »

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Seed Packing at Willow Creek Community Church

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

On April 20th, at the end of an all-day firm retreat, firm members participated in Seed Packing at Willow Creek Community Church in Barrington. Seed packs are sent to families in developing countries around the world, with each seed pack supplying a single family with enough seeds to grow a garden capable of producing… Read More »

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Offer your Heirs a Helping Hand by Consolidating Your Estate

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

Thinking about what will happen to your property when you pass away can feel morbid, but doing so allows you to plan for what your children or other heirs will deal with upon your death. There are several ways that you can streamline the property in your estate to make life easier for your… Read More »

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The Drawbacks of Leaving Specific Items to Heirs in Your Illinois Will

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

Drafting a will may seem like an opportunity to express your affection for your loved ones by providing gifts for them that show how well you know and understand them. For example, if you want to encourage a young nephew’s interest in learning how to repair and maintain cars, you may leave him your… Read More »

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Predictable Scheduling Laws May Be Coming to Illinois Soon

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

While many new laws have entered into effect in Illinois at the start of 2018, none of them brought about substantial change to the state of Illinois’ employment laws. However, one ordinance currently being considered by the Chicago City Council would introduce what is commonly known as a predictable scheduling law, following the lead… Read More »

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Parents going to assisted living home

Helping Senior Parents Move into a New Living Arrangement

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

It can be a challenge to convince elderly parents that it’s time to move out of their independent living arrangement and into a home shared with family or an assisted living facility. Often, these moves don’t happen until a parent suffers an injury and realizes their vulnerability or suddenly needs help caring for themselves… Read More »

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