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Category Archives: Newsletters

Do I Need a Medical Power of Attorney?

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

A medical power of attorney gives another person the ability to make healthcare decisions on your behalf should you become unable to do so. It is important to understand that a medical power of attorney differs from a living will. A living will contains decisions you make for yourself in advance, such as not… Read More »

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Should I Have a Property Power of Attorney?

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

A property power of attorney grants another person the authority to make decisions concerning your financial affairs and assets if you become physically or mentally incapacitated. Having a property power of attorney is a good idea for just about anybody with income and personal or real property, as the unexpected can strike at anytime,… Read More »

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Buying a Commercial Property

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

For many business owners, deciding whether to lease or buy commercial space is tough. It can be an especially difficult decision for small to mid-size businesses. Buying a commercial property has many potential benefits, including: Greater control over real estate overhead — no more rising rents Tax write offs, such as interest paid on… Read More »

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The Insurance Company Denied My Claim…Now What?

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

Insurance policies offer business owners peace of mind that if the unexpected happens, the business will be able to recover and move forward. But what if you file an insurance claim and the insurance company denies it? How do you move forward if you cannot get the reimbursement you need? What options do you… Read More »

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Choosing an Insurance Policy for Your Business

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

Buying insurance for a business or nonprofit organization can be tricky. You have to consider what types of insurance are necessary, levels of coverage, which insurance company will best serve your business’s needs and what your business can afford. An experienced Hoffman Estates attorney helps business owners and nonprofit directors tackle insurance issues such… Read More »

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Steps for Dissolving a Business Partnership

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

Sometimes business partners no longer want to work together. Perhaps they are involved in a dispute, maybe one of them wants to try a new business venture or is ready to retire, or maybe the business just is not what either partner imagined it would be. Although state law governs partnership dissolution, there are… Read More »

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Should I Incorporate?

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

When people decide to start a business, they must determine what type of legal structure best suits their needs. Will it be a sole proprietorship? A partnership? Perhaps it should be a corporation or a limited liability company (LLC)? Maybe it is a nonprofit or cooperative? A Hoffman Estates attorney with experience in business… Read More »

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Understanding Illinois Probate Laws

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

Probate is the process of settling a decedent’s estate in court. Probate laws vary by state, and where you will need to file a probate action depends on the decedent’s residence at the time of his or her death and the location of his or her real property. An experienced Des Plaines attorney can… Read More »

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What Is a Living Trust?

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

A revocable living trust, established by a trust agreement, functions as a holding place for your real and/or personal property while you are still living, so that after you die, those assets can be distributed to your beneficiaries through the trust. Trust assets might include your home or other real property, bank accounts, stocks… Read More »

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Questions to Consider When Preparing a Will: Property Bequests

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

When you decide to create a final will and testament, you will be asked to consider several questions to aid your attorney in the preparation of your will. You may also find yourself reconsidering these questions if you decide to change your will at a later date. To ensure your estate planning process goes… Read More »

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