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Woman calculates value of receipts for taxation purposes

Filing an IRS 990 Report as an Illinois Nonprofit

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

Nonprofit organizations, like any other business, must generally file annual returns with the IRS. Nonprofits must file these returns even though, by definition, they do not pay federal taxes except in limited circumstances (e.g., UBIT). The annual informational filing is known as a Form 990. A knowledgeable Illinois nonprofit attorney can help ensure that… Read More »

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Église Notre-Dame-la-Grande de Poitiers. Notre-Dame-la-Grande est une église collégiale romane située à Poitiers. Sa façade sculptée est un chef-d’œuvre unanimement reconnu de l’art religieux de cette

Legal Issues Your Church is (Probably) Facing

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

Churches are, legally speaking, not-for-profit organizations that are subject to many of the same laws and regulations as other non-profit businesses. Below we explore some of the legal issues that churches often face. If you have a question regarding one of the issues below or any other legal issue facing your church or other… Read More »

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Questions to Ask a Nonprofit Lawyer

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

Nonprofit organizations are, in many ways, just like any other business. They have rules and regulations to follow, whether dealing with formation and corporate structure issues, annual filings, employment agreements, or other legal issues that arise during the nonprofit’s operation. An experienced Illinois nonprofit attorney can be one of your most valuable resources in… Read More »

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franchise signs on map illustration

Fast Food Companies Agree to Drop “No-Poach” Provisions in Unfair Competition Settlement

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

Prosecutors from a coalition of 13 states, including Illinois, and the District of Columbia recently announced a settlement with a handful of major fast food franchise corporations whose so-called “no-poach” employment policies were alleged to be anticompetitive and harmful to workers. Learn below about the targeted policies and the terms of the settlement, and… Read More »

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minimum wage increase ahead road sign

Illinois Governor Signs $15 Minimum Wage Bill into Law

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

The new governor of the State of Illinois, J.B. Pritzker, has recently signed a law that will raise the Illinois minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025. Business owners across the state are currently questioning the ways that the new law will change how they staff their businesses when the law takes full… Read More »

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Estate Plan review notebook

Review Your Estate Plan

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

Perhaps you’ve already taken the time to create an estate plan that carries out your wishes and makes the most of the assets you plan to leave to your heirs. You might assume that your estate planning responsibilities are over, but this simply isn’t the case. Your estate plan may need to be revisited… Read More »

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Crypto currency is a digital asset

Digital Assets Deserve a Place in Your Illinois Estate Plan

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

You may not think of yourself as having “digital assets,” but if you’re reading this post online, then you almost certainly do. Digital assets include all the information and media we store online, such as emails, documents, photos and videos, as well as our social media accounts and digital subscriptions or bill pay accounts…. Read More »

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Flight attendant with scarf and dress suit, smiling at airport

Illinois Federal Appeals Court Finds Average Hourly Wage Across Workweek is Relevant Unit for FLSA Minimum Wage

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

Businesses or workers confronted with potential wage and hour violations are often faced with differing and competing methods for calculating the actual value of the wages being challenged for purposes of a lawsuit. The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, which governs federal law matters in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin, recently resolved some of the… Read More »

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Expense reimbursement check for employee expenses

Illinois enacts new law regarding employee expenses

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

The Illinois Legislature recently amended the Illinois Wage Payment and Collection Act, requiring Illinois employers to reimburse employees for many employment-related expenses. Read on to learn about the new law requiring employers to reimburse employee expenses. The new law, which is effective on January 1, 2019, requires an employer to reimburse an employee for… Read More »

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Age discrimination road sign and no old people allowed sign with blue sky background

Illinois State Police Settles Age Discrimination Lawsuit

By MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. |

The Illinois State Police recently lost an attempt to receive a new trial after several former SWAT team members succeeded in a claim of age discrimination against their former employer. Read more about the case where older SWAT members face discrimination, and contact a knowledgeable and experienced Chicago employment attorney with any questions. Older… Read More »

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