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PMHL, Ltd. “Adopts” Legal Clinic at Local Church


The law firm of MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. has accepted an invitation to adopt an Administer Justice clinic for the coming year. Administer Justice partners with churches to provide low-cost legal aid from caring teams of volunteer attorneys. Participating churches open their doors one Saturday each month to empower vulnerable neighbors with the help of a lawyer and the hope of God’s love.

Our firm will be participating in the Administer Justice program every month for the following year at First Baptist Church of Elgin as part of their Doorway to Hope ministry. Through the Doorway to Hope legal clinic, lawyers from our firm will meet with clients and provide legal advice to help meet the legal needs of our local neighbors.

We are excited about this program and grateful for the opportunity to serve our community, including especially those most vulnerable and in need of qualified legal advice.

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